About Us
Meier Ranch is located in the beautiful Texas Hill Country in Bandera, Texas, approximately 55 miles northwest of San Antonio. The operation produces high quality registered Brahman cattle on a combination of improved pastures and native pastures, interspersed with rugged terrain. As such, Meier Ranch selects heavily for traits such as good disposition, soundness, hardiness, and the ability to thrive with minimal management in the challenging environment of South Texas.
The foundation of the herd consists primarily of genetics from BR Cutrer, V8 Ranch and Magic Ranch. The cornerstone of the breeding program is an assertive embryo transfer program revolving around our BR Cutrer / V8 donor cows bred to BRC or V8 bulls.
In addition to the ET program, Meier Ranch produces registered Brahmans utilizing natural breeding with a bull purchased from Schneider Brahmans . Commercial/club calves are also raised from our herd of Charolais, Maine Anjou, and Angus cows bred to an In God We Trust bull purchased from Brandon Horn.
Meier Ranch is focused on producing gentle, high quality, functional cattle that will work for producers and add value to their programs.

Our Family
Meier Ranch was founded by Kevin and Julie Meier in 1996. Both Kevin and Julie were active in 4H and showed cattle, where they gained an appreciation and passion for high quality cattle. They have two children, Garrett and Lauren.
Kevin graduated from Texas A&M University with a degree in Wildlife Biology in 1994. While at A&M, he was a member of the Corp of Cadets and Parsons Mounted Calvary. He is a certified wildlife biologist, real estate broker, and businessman.
Julie also attended Texas A&M University and was a member of the TAMU Livestock Judging Team. She graduated with a BS in Biomedical Science and MS in Veterinary Microbiology in 1996. She worked as a microbiologist/environmental scientist until taking on the operations and management duties of Meier Ranch in 2014.